Exhibiting Artist: Ferdi B. Dick

Ferdi B Dick, started off as a 3D animator and subsequently moved towards physical crafted sculpture. Ferdi currently lives and works in Cape Town, South Africa.

Ferdi has a strong passion and compassion for animals, in particular for our wildlife and domestic animals. His focus is in trying to capture their emotions from the inside out, as these animals are unable to project and speak out on their fears, happiness or anger. Ferdi’s artwork focuses on the emotional state of animals, and with feedback from mother nature, he empathizes the perspective of the animal’s emotional state with its environmental issues, anthropomorphizing animals in an animated or action-orientated motion.

His sculptures are largely character-driven, with a comical, childlike and edgy quality Ferdi’s sculptures start out as digital models, find material form via 3D printing, and finally are cast in bronze or stainless steel.