‘A Feast for the Eyes’ : Elina Flyrin

Elina Flyrin creates imagery that simultaneously feels alien and familiar, with a multidisciplinary practice that includes drawing, painting, and textiles.

Originally from Stockholm, Sweden, she graduated from Goldsmiths University of London, Fine Art in 2019, after which she relocated to Brighton. ⁠

Within her imagery, boundaries dissolve into abstraction: boundaries between the physical and the intangible, the interior and exterior. Her work can be interpreted as an exploration, a search for answers, although sometimes to rhetorical questions. Regardless of material, organic shapes emerge from their surface, leaving the audience with a feeling of being swept away with them. ⁠

Selected group exhibitions include: In and between, Bermondsey Project Space, London (2021); Skimmer 2019, Vrångsholmen, Sweden (2019); Everything Must Go, Laurie Grove Baths, London (2019); Messy Bodies, St. Hatcham Church, New Cross, London (2018); 13Festivalen, Konstepidemin, Gothenburg (2018).