Beth Cullen Kerridge is an award-winning sculptor with superior training. She studied at the Royal College of Art, with her work being shown consecutively in two London parks thereafter. She then honed her craft working with and producing works for some of sculpture’s best known, including Eduardo Paolozzi, Elisabeth Frink and Alberto Giacometti, before becoming a studio assistant with Mike Bolus for Sir Antony Caro.

Cullen creates works that offer a commentary on our frenetic Western lives. Embedding a seemingly light-hearted dose of humour into traditional materials and forms, more serious messages lurk beneath. Cullen has worked on major projects with both Sir Norman Foster on the Millenium Bridge, Richard Rogers and the Tate. After taking time out to help husband Tom Kerridge launch a 2 Michelin-Star pub, she has been engrossed in perfecting marble carving, as well as working with bronze, steel and stone.