
Nandita Chaudhuri is a British artist based in London. She has an MA in Fine Art from Camberwell, UAL, London. As a multidisciplinary artist, she works across painting, digital film, installation and sculpture. She has just published her book, with Mapin, titled UNMASKED which illustrates the synergy between poems and paintings; which flow from the same brush, knowing no boundaries between multiple media. Her works take a deep dive into peeling away the onion layers of human behaviour in a stark and vivid manner. The multiple media, when juxtaposed, delve into emotions that would not have been possible, alone, creating cross currents as they dissolve into each other. Like yin and yang, at times, they display the connectivity between the human soul and the universe at large, and at others, depict the paucity and dissociation between them. An interplay of narratives enables a storyline that depicts the object and the crevices within. The paintings rely on graphic metaphors to convey a common thread. Nandita has shown her NFTs at the Musa Pavilion during the 59th Biennale di Venezia 2022. In addition, she has participated in the Florence Biennale, 2009, The Kochi Mujiris Biennale, 2014. Her works are displayed as permanent collections of major global hotel chains, private collectors and various museums. She has shown her works at the British Museum, The Royal Academy, London, Saatchi Gallery, the China Art Museum, Shanghai, The Czech Baroque Museum Foundation, Prague, Frieze Art Fair several Elephant Parades in Singapore, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Soho Square, London and other outdoor installations. She works out of studios in London, Dubai and Mumbai.