
Rick Guest founded Legacy+Art in 2016 to specialise in the artistic documentation of artefacts that carry both meaning and story, through the creation of large format, high resolution prints. He approaches his subject matter with both a meticulous technical ability and a supreme artistic vision.

He has collaborated with many institutions, including The Science Museum, The Natural History Museum, The Wellcome Collection, The Worshipful Guild of Clockmakers, The National Maritime Museum, The Museum of Military History in Vienna, The Scott Polar Research Institute, The Dundee Heritage Trust ,The Ruskin Museum, The Royal Society of Literature, The Diving Museum, The Berlin State Museum's Gipsformerei, The Mercedes Heritage Centre, Abbey Road Studios, The Bluebird Project, The Watts House, Gainsborough House, The Sidney Nolan Trust, The Royal Shakespeare Company, The Goldsmiths Company, The Explorers Club, The Worshipful Guild of Saddlers, The Royal Geographical Society, The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards Museum, The Royal Household, The Jane Austen House, The German Museum of History, The National Library of Wales, The National Portrait Gallery, as well as many other private collections.