
Justin Dingwall is a South African photographic artist. He is a 2004 Cum Laude graduate from Tshwane University of Technology. Dingwall has exhibited locally and internationally, in solo and group exhibitions – in United States, Germany, Spain, Barcelona, Venezuela, Netherlands, Hungary, France, Australia, London and more. His work features locally in museum collections and institutions – including Rand Merchant Bank, Unisa, Pretoria Art Museum, Oliewenhuis Art Museum, Spier, and SAFFCA – and internationally in Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium, China and others. He has received various awards, such as SA Taxi Foundation Art, Sasol New Signatures, and IPA. Dingwall uses nuance and subtle symbolism to bridge the depths between personal introspection and the broader human experience. His work challenges perceptions and provokes thought, which has attracted praise from the likes of CNN and Vogue. His themes include ideas of transformation and perception. Photography is his medium, and he has recently integrated textiles into his practice.