
Graeme Messer is a multi-disciplinary artist living and working in London. UK. Drawing on a background in theatre, Graeme interweaves visual art with performance, photography, assemblage, the written word and AI to create an art that is direct, funny, moving, uncomfortable and unashamedly autobiographical.

Originally from South Africa, Graeme came to London in the mid 80s where he worked in theatre both in the West End and on the experimental fringe and was responsible for directing works by Shakespeare, Tennessee Williams and Roald Dahl, as well as writing and performing award-winning work for his own theatre company,  Out of Bounds.  Since 2010, after studying drawing in London and New York, Graeme has focused on his lifelong passion for visual art and now works exclusively as a visual artist.

His work has featured in exhibitions and art fairs in the UK, Europe and the USA and his mirrors can be found in several private collections.